Griffiths Engineering (GE) has worked on numerous commercial chain stores, banks, car washes, college buildings, apartment complexes, and health care facilities and sub-divisions completing test fits to see if sites work initially. GE has done site investigation reports after the test fits to get detailed site and zoning requirements with the towns, boroughs, or cities. GE then completed detailed preliminary and final construction plans. Plans included working with the states DOT to obtain a Highway Occupancy Permit and required Department of Transportation Plans. Services included presenting at town, city, borough, and county meetings as required. Services also included stormwater pollution prevention plans, traffic engineering, SEQR, wetlands, endangered species, environmental/ wildlife permitting, and any other requirements. GE coordinates all work with town, city, borough, county, DEC, DEP, ACOE, EPA, SFWMD, health departments and any other required review authority.
Some of the locations we have worked include the following:
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